Andrea Grant: Narrative Is a Key

Andrea Grant is an Italian composer based in Rome who is known for his versatility in working with many media. His scores are known from films, short films, trailers, documentaries, TV Shows, commercials and also concert music. Some key mentions of the scores for films are Dakota, The Letter, Graybeard, Set Me Free and for the documentaries Blue-eyed Japanese, Happy Goodyear.

Andrea graduated in Composition from Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia, Rome, and his talent has been recognized with several awards. Since 2017, Andrea has been actively involved in the film music education as the co-curator and lecturer for the CSC Lab Film Music at the Italian National School of Cinema in Rome, where he shares his expertise and passion for the art of film music, contributing to the education and development of aspiring young composers

Well known Italian line “Tutte le strade portano a Roma,” goes beyond the literal meaning. Andrea’s scoring is build on understanding the script, tone and the sound, making the narrative more impactful, capturing many souls and hearts. With that said, we hope that you will enjoy this new interview where we talk about his life and work.

"Don't let the technology thrill you. You have to be in control of the technology you use."

Andrea Grant

Lai – Ten Frames – Andrea Grant

By Vox Groovy staff writer;
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Audio profile: Signalgate
An Interview by ’Nina

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